Who We Are
all are welcome
At Holy Communion Church we find joy in celebrating with all people regardless of their faith experience.
We are a worshiping community
to experience GOD’S LOVE
and to reach out to JOYFULLY SERVE others
to experience GOD’S LOVE
and to reach out to JOYFULLY SERVE others
In response to God’s call we reach out to the:
disenfranchised of all faiths
poor & needy
wounded & suffering
hungry & homeless
widows & orphans

At Holy Communion Church (HCC) there is kindness, caring and welcome whenever we come together to worship, at classes or special events.
Smiles, open hearts, and a warm embrace serve as a reminder of God’s love and are available to all.
how we began
Father Jim Radloff had been a priest for 20 years when he transitioned to Holy Communion Church in order to effectively minister to more people in need of God’s sacramental grace.
A group of lay leaders who believed it was time for a different kind of Catholic Church in Bend that would honor laity in church decision-making, connected with Father Jim and they began to pray together.
A larger group of Catholics joined in and they met and prayed together regularly. They believed prayer would not only establish the vision for a new Catholic Church in Bend, but would also bring it to success. Working tirelessly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the leaders prepared a Constitution and Bylaws. The Lord answered the prayers of this faithful group when on Sunday, June 8, 2014, Holy Communion Church was established in Bend, Oregon at its inaugural Mass on Pentecost Sunday.
“The first time I attended Holy Communion, I felt God’s presence and His love.I also felt the love of the people. HCC is my church now.”– Church Member
what we believe
We are a community of people who come together regularly to pray and worship with Christ in our midst. We are committed to providing a warm and welcoming spiritual home where faith is deepened and sacramentally fed. When you worship with us, Holy Communion (Eucharist) is open to everyone who wishes to partake in faith at the table of the Lord.
We are an independent sacramental movement of clergy and laity who identify as Catholic, while not being officially affiliated with the historic Catholic denominations. We are an alternative way to live and express the Catholic faith outside the structures that too often put the observance of laws over the pastoral care of the faithful. While we share many of the same beliefs and practices, we are also set free to let the Holy Spirit guide and empower the love that we share.
We are an Apostolic, Sacramental, Ecumenical, Independent, and Welcoming Catholic Community. We are “Catholic” as it means “universal”. “Catholic” in our name does not refer to an exclusive religious institution, but to an inclusive and universal Church. We are a part of the universal Church of Jesus Christ, sharing in the teachings and liturgical heritage of the Church, while celebrating a characteristically Catholic Mass and faith tradition.
“Church” is more than a building or organization. The original Greek ekklesia meant “a gathering, assembly”. That is what God designed the church to be – a group of people. The truest meaning of the word “church” is the group of believers. Christ is the head of the church, and the church is the body of Christ. While there are many different Christian denominations, there is only one “Church”. Holy Communion is honored to be part of this “Church”, with the Lord Jesus Christ as our head.
We are sometimes asked by visitors about our church affiliation and how it expresses the Catholic faith. Holy Communion Church has verifiable Apostolic Succession and we are a validly consecrated Independent Catholic community.
Holy Communion Church is affiliated with The Fellowship of Evangelical Catholic Churches. This collaborative relationship preserves a valid Apostolic Succession and the efficacy of the Sacraments.
Bishop Louis P. Serra is the Presiding Bishop of The FECC. For more information please visit www.evangelicalcatholicchurch.com.
As Christians with varied life experiences and backgrounds, we WELCOME ALL who desire to hear the Word of God and to embrace the promised salvation we have through Jesus Christ.
HCC believes in:
• The Sacred Celebration of the Mass
• The Seven Sacraments
• The Ten Commandments
• The Holy Trinity
• The Real Presence of Christ in Communion
• Mary as the Mother of God
• The Seven Sacraments
• The Ten Commandments
• The Holy Trinity
• The Real Presence of Christ in Communion
• Mary as the Mother of God
Holy Communion Church has instituted reform in both church leadership and the Sacraments resulting in openness expressed in:
• Participation in the Eucharist and Sacraments available to all
• Strong lay involvement in governance
• Allowing birth control
• Male and Female Ordained Deacons & Clergy
• Strong lay involvement in governance
• Allowing birth control
• Male and Female Ordained Deacons & Clergy
• Married Clergy
• Non-judgmental environment with an absence of fear
As disciples of Jesus we believe we are called to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure to help further God’s Kingdom in our community. Our church community has adopted and serves alongside many organizations who aspire to make lives better in Bend and Central Oregon.
Cancer With Compassion Cancer patients and survivors share their lives in an atmosphere of compassionate listening, friendship and prayer.
Cancer Composium An annual event honoring the local cancer community with information, exhibits, testimonies and Luminary ceremony.
The Giving Plate Feeding the hungry today with compassion and hospitality.
Teen Challenge A residential discipleship program of recovery from drug & alcohol addictions.
COVO (Central Oregon Veterans Organization) Providing winter necessities, clothing & supplies to needy veterans.
Bend High School Mothers Providing funds and supplies to brave young mothers.
Pregnancy Resource Center Raising funds to help young people make good choices for their babies.
Grandma’s House Providing supplies and funds for young mothers in need.
Foster Teens in Bend Providing gift cards for teens in need.
Pilot Butte Rehab Center Providing supplies for seniors in need.
Friends of the Children Providing mentor support to our community’s most vulnerable children.
We believe our service through these organizations is transforming hearts and lives as we share the love of our Lord Jesus Christ and the gifts He gives us to share with others. In our efforts to carry out His mission on this earth, we look forward to expanding our ministry as our congregation grows.
we invite you
You are warmly invited to share in the Mass with us.
We know you will be uplifted by a passionate, meaningful homily that helps bring the Bible and God’s love alive.
Our prayerful worship music invites the Presence of God into our midst every time we gather. Prayer in and through worship not only inspires us but gives us hope and healing.
Communion is offered to all Christians and healing prayer by our trained prayer teams is available after every Mass.
HCC is a place of great joy where the positive experience of Mass and God’s presence in the Eucharist will remain with you throughout the week.
We are a multi-generational church and we honor the youngest and the most senior among us.
We provide Bible Studies, classes, and a variety of caring ministries for adults. A growing Men’s Ministry, a trained Healing Prayer Team and outstanding special social events mark our faith community’s life together.
for children & families
Children are a vibrant and active part of our faith community.
With a vibrant children’s ministry, we seek to provide every family at all stages with opportunities to learn, grow and serve.
The presence of children is a blessing to our church. They are members of the community and a reminder that our church is growing.
Parents can relax with their children at Mass. God put the wiggle in children; it doesn’t have to be suppressed at Holy Communion Church. All are welcome!
Even if your child escapes or needs to leave the worship for whatever reason, they are always welcomed back.
For Children & Families We Offer
Child friendly Masses with family tables, coloring sheets and children’s Bibles.
CuddleCare is every Sunday at 9 & 11 AM for infants & toddlers.
Kids Church is every Sunday at 11 AM for Pre-K thru 5th grade.
541 Youth is Wednesdays at 6:30 PM for 6th thru 12th grade.
Sacramental preparation for Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Occasional Children’s Masses, where children can be involved in every aspect of serving in the Mass.
Milkshake Mass is the First Saturday of each month at 5 PM.
Community and friendships.
We have a vibrant Youth Group for High School and Middle School Youth with gatherings every Wednesday night at 6:30 PM.
Please clink the image below to learn more.

we can’t wait to see you!
We are excited to have you with us!